The information is currently stored in GRN@connections$TF_genes.filtered
. Note that raw p-values are not adjusted.
corMethod = "pearson",
nCores = 1,
forceRerun = FALSE
Object of class GRN
Character. One of pearson
, spearman
or bicor
. Default pearson
. Method for calculating the correlation coefficient.
For pearson
and spearman
, see cor for details. bicor
denotes the *biweight midcorrelation*, a correlation measure based on medians as
calculated by WGCNA::bicorAndPvalue
. Both spearman
and bicor
are considered more robust measures that are less prone to be affected by outliers.
Integer >0. Default 1. Number of cores to use.
A value >1 requires the BiocParallel
package (as it is listed under Suggests
, it may not be installed yet).
. Default FALSE
. Force execution, even if the GRN object already contains the result. Overwrites the old results.
An updated GRN
object, with additional information added from this function.
# See the Workflow vignette on the GRaNIE website for examples
GRN = loadExampleObject()
#> Downloading GRaNIE example object from
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:16] Storing GRN@data$RNA$counts matrix as sparse matrix because fraction of 0s is > 0.1 (0.44)
#> Finished successfully. You may explore the example object. Start by typing the object name to the console to see a summaty. Happy GRaNIE'ing!
GRN = add_TF_gene_correlation(GRN, forceRerun = FALSE)
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:17] Calculate correlations for TF and genes from the filtered set of connections
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:17] Real data
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:17] Iterate through 582 TF-gene combinations and (if possible) calculate correlations using 1 cores. This may take a few minutes.
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:18] Finished execution using 1 cores. TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 0.3 secs
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:18] Done. Construct the final table, this may result in an increased number of TF-gene pairs due to different TF names linked to the same Ensembl ID.
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:18] Permuted data
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:18] Nothing to do, skip.
#> INFO [2023-08-16 17:27:18] Finished successfully. Execution time: 1.3 secs